BC RCMP “E” Division De-Integration Assessment for the Township of Langley and the City of Langley


For Immediate Release

Langley City, B.C. – Langley City Council and City staff have now completed a detailed review of the BC RCMP “E” Division De-Integration Assessment for the Township of Langley and the City of Langley Report.

The Report considers three service delivery options: (1) remain fully integrated with a modified police service agreement; (2) create two autonomous detachments with limited shared services; and (3) create two fully autonomous detachments. Ultimately, deciding which option to pursue rests with the Township and the City.

"There is no compelling financial and/or operational rationale to de-integrate the current integrated model which provides effective policing for both municipalities. The RCMP’s assessment report clearly indicates the cost sharing ratio between the City and the Township is proportional to the Regular Members funded strength, calls for service per member, calls for service dispatched per member, and average service time,” Mayor Pachal emphasized. “The autonomous detachments model would not only require further study to identify the risks and develop a transition plan, but it would also require additional police members and municipal employees to cover the inefficiencies that a de-integrated model perpetuates, at additional costs to the taxpayers of both communities. The de-integration of the Langley RCMP Detachment would not be conducive to community safety, rather it would destabilize policing in the City, the Township, and the Province of British Columbia.”

The City and the Township have a long history of partnership including the George Preston Recreation Centre, McLeod Athletic Park, W.C. Blair Recreation Centre, and the Joint Langley Emergency Program. Langley City recognizes that both municipalities have become more urbanized, and the makeup of both communities has changed since the last RCMP cost sharing agreement was established. We remain committed to negotiate a new and modernized cost sharing agreement with the Township of Langley based on detailed evidence-based cost analysis, fairness to both communities, and meeting the strategic initiatives and needs for each municipality while maintaining a joint detachment,” reaffirmed Mayor Pachal.

After carefully reviewing the Report and giving much consideration to the needs of our communities, Langley City supports the service delivery option that the Langley RCMP detachment remains fully integrated with a modified police service agreement. Langley City Council will formally articulate the City’s position to the Honourable Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General; Mayor Eric Woodward, Township of Langley; Maureen Levy, Assistant Commissioner, RCMP Lower Mainland District; Glen Lewis, Assistant Deputy Minister and Director of Police Services; and Superintendent Adrian Marsden, Langley RCMP Detachment Officer-in-Charge.

Mayor Pachal and City Council would like to extend their appreciation to the BC RCMP (“E” Division) for preparing the de-integration assessment for the Township and the City.


Media Inquiries:

Mayor Nathan Pachal

City of Langley



Francis Cheung, P. Eng.

Chief Administrative Officer

City of Langley


