Accessibility Advisory Committee - Volunteers Needed!


The City of Langley is pleased to announce the establishment of the Accessibility Advisory Committee.

The Committee will assist the City in identifying, removing and preventing barriers to individuals in, or having interactions with, the City. It will provide advice and recommendations to Council to assist with the development of an organizational accessibility plan and identify barriers, issues, and areas of improvement about facilities, infrastructure and public spaces, employment, delivery of service, information and communication, transportation, and the procurement of goods/services, all of which aim to provide better support to people with disabilities. The objective of this committee is to improve the City's livability, inclusiveness, and accessibility for individuals of all ages and backgrounds with disabilities.

City Council is seeking a diverse group of volunteer members of different ages, backgrounds, and life experiences to serve on this committee. Specifically, we are looking for people with disabilities and people that support and advocate on behalf of people with disabilities. Additionally, we will select up to three members from the community at large based on their ability to meet the committee’s objectives. Langley City residents and Langley based organizations will be given preference. Should interested applicants require assistance to fill out the form, please contact Timms Community Centre reception staff at 604-514-2940 or email and they will gladly assist.

Committee Meetings will be held monthly, and members may also host, participate in, and support community events and engagement activities to promote and raise awareness about accessibility and ensure the needs of people with disabilities are being considered.

Meetings are at Langley City Hall and may take place during regular business hours.

Application can be made:

Online at: Committee Expression of Interest Form  

Please note: the fillable application form must be downloaded to your device (click the 'download' icon  ), save it, and then open it in Adobe Acrobat, fill it out, and email it to Do not complete the form in your internet browser.

By Mail to: Paula Kusack – Langley City Hall, 20399 Douglas Cres, Langley, BC V3A 4B3

Deadline:  Friday, September 29, 2023