Deadline Extended! 2024 Board, Panel and Committee Volunteers Wanted!


Volunteering on a City committee is a fulfilling way to contribute to a healthy and diverse community. Committee involvement is enlightening, active, and engaging work. It’s amazing what we can accomplish together! With opportunities to collaborate on projects and initiatives related to everything from arts & culture to crime prevention, Langley City committees have something for everyone!

City Council is seeking individuals who are interested in volunteering to serve on one of the following advisory bodies. We are looking for people of all ages, backgrounds & life experiences, so please consider submitting your expression of interest today!

In addition to the listed positions below, there are specific organizational/individual representative positions available on each committee. If you, or your organization, have interest in working with the City to enhance our community through the arts, crime prevention, environmental sustainability, and/or development, please view the terms of reference for community representative positions on each of our select committees and fill out a Committee Expression of Interest Form

To learn more about our volunteer opportunities, please click here.

Environmental Sustainability Committee: The City’s Environmental Sustainability Committee provides advice to Council on a wide range of existing and emerging environmental sustainability issues and trends. They provide a local perspective on the environment while giving due consideration to the balance between social, environmental, and economic aspects. They advise on ways to build local environmental awareness and promote environmental stewardship within the City. The group is seeking a volunteer to fill one (1) Community Member at Large position, one (1) Youth Representative (aged 15-24), and one (1) Member Representing Indigenous Peoples position. If you’re interested in participating and have a passion for the environment, please apply. The group usually meets on the second Thursday of the month at 7 pm. See the Terms of Reference for more information here.

Arts, Recreation, Culture and Heritage Committee: The City’s Arts, Recreation, Culture and Heritage Committee prioritizes, evaluates, and develops a business case for the implementation of various arts and culture initiatives and programs to expand and diversify art programming, public art, multicultural events & programs, evening and winter events and promote ‘Made in Langley’ walking, mural, and film tours. The group is seeking to fill one (1) Heritage Representative position and one (1) Member Representing Indigenous Peoples position. If you’re ready to action new initiatives and programs related to promoting and encouraging arts and culture in our community, please apply. The group usually meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 7 pm. See the Terms of Reference for more information here.

Crime Prevention Task Group: The City’s Crime Prevention Committee embraces the opportunity to educate residents about crime prevention and the protection of property. In partnership with the RCMP and other community organizations they create and share messaging about simple ways to incorporate crime prevention measures into everyday life. Community engagement is top of mind in planning events and initiatives that will increase community connectedness among residents as well as our business community. Help share information about programs, safety tips, and community services that promote crime prevention to the public. This group is seeking volunteers to fill two (2) Community Member at Large positions; one (1) Youth Representative (aged 15-24); one (1) Social Service Provider representative; and one (1) member representing Indigenous Peoples. If you are action-oriented and have the time and energy to commit to project planning and promotion, please apply. Meetings are generally on the last Thursday of each month at 6 pm. Review the Terms of Reference for more information here.

Advisory Design Panel: Members of this group advise City Council on the form and character and urban design quality of development applications, by evaluating these applications according to the Official Community Plan’s urban design policies and Development Permit Area (DPA) guidelines, and other City plans, policies and bylaws. Meetings are generally the second or third Wednesday of each month at 7 pm and if needed, additional meetings are scheduled at the call of the Chair. This group is seeking a volunteer to fill one (1) Business Representative position. See the Terms of Reference for more information here.

Board of Variance: The Board of Variance is a 5-member, independent body that primarily deals with requests from citizens for the relaxation of regulations for siting, size and dimensions of buildings where compliance with the City’s Zoning Bylaw would cause an undue hardship. City Council is looking for one (1) individual with an interest in serving a three-year term from 2024-2026. Meetings are usually scheduled at 6 pm on the fourth Wednesday of the month; however only occur on an ‘as needed’ basis when applications are received. Members are advised two weeks in advance of scheduled meetings. View the Board of Variance Establishment Bylaw for more information here.

Meetings take place at Langley City Hall and applicants must have their own transportation to and from the meetings.

The above volunteer appointments are for a one-year term beginning January 1, 2024, unless otherwise noted.

Application can be made:

Online at: Committee Expression of Interest Form

By Mail to: Paula Kusack – Langley City Hall, 20399 Douglas Cres, Langley, BC V3A 4B3

Deadline: Thursday, December 3, 2023