City council endorsed the 2023-2028 Langley City Strategic Plan on December 11, 2023. This new plan will guide municipal decision-making over the next five years. The new plan builds on and replaces our previous plan that expired during the COVID-19 pandemic and interim plan developed to support our COVID response; responds to post-pandemic challenges; and recommits to action steps required to continue building the four cornerstones of our Langley City: Nexus of Community vision – Community, Connected, Experiences and Integration.
We’re excited to share this new approach to serving our community and encourage everyone to read it. Read the full plan or the 4-page executive summary to learn more. Share your thoughts by sending us an email, or sharing on social using #langleycitystratplan
The plan includes updates to existing goals and new goals for advancing Truth and Reconciliation with First Nations in whose lands we operate; delivering a coordinated and compassionate response to challenges of homelessness, housing affordability and community safety for everyone; and attracting and retaining the best and brightest as we grow our staffing base to meet the needs of our growing community. Seven core areas of focus have been identified:

The plan includes small but important adjustments to our values and mission statement, focusing on education, inclusion and equity, to ensure Langley City remains “The Place to Be” for current and future generations.
This is the City’s first rolling five-year plan, meaning annual updates will be made, to ensure the plan stays relevant. Future funding decisions to advance the goals identified will be based on community engagement and business case analysis. Watch for upcoming engagements in 2024.