Snow & Ice Control

Each winter season the City's Engineering and Parks Operations Division is responsible for maintaining approximately 74 km of road to a safe and passable condition. Despite the efforts of a highly motivated snow removal crew, conditions can deteriorate and roads can become treacherous quickly. Motorists are advised to exercise caution at all times. 

If you see snow-clearing equipment, please allow them to do their work and keep back 50 metres.

The City has a modern fleet of snow-clearing equipment and utilizes sophisticated weather services to assist us in responding quickly and efficiently to snow events. Clearing efforts begin on main routes and move to residential areas only when the main routes are clear. Understandably, this lengthens the response time for residential streets and cul-de-sacs and is the prime cause of inquiries on snow control.

Our Approach

  1. If the weather conditions are favourable and the forecast is calling for snow the City will apply brine to priority routes.  A brine application will help melt the initial snowfall and will also help prevent ice from bonding with pavement surfaces.  
  2. During snow events, the City uses salt or a mix of salt and sand to ensure the roads are safe for winter driving. Salt is used throughout the City as it is fast-acting and effective. When the snow melts the salt is gone, requires minimal cleanup and does not fill our storm drainage system with silt and debris. If required a salt/sand mix is used in steep locations. The rates at which salt and salt/sand mix are applied are based on temperature, forecast and snowfall, and experience.
  3. Should there be significant snowfall or freezing rain, the city will continue with proactive snow clearing and salting throughout the night. Staff continue to monitor the condition of the overall road network and direct resources as necessary.

Duties of Property Owners/Occupants

As per Highway and Traffic Regulation Bylaw, 2013, No. 2871 Section 8(4) owners of properties in the City of Langley are required to remove any accumulation of snow or ice from the sidewalks and walkways bordering their property within 24 hours after a snowfall that caused any accumulation of snow or ice sidewalks or walkways, or prior to the depth of snow accumulation exceeding 10cm (approximately 4"). The owner or occupant must also remove snow or ice from the roof or other parts of any such structure adjacent to or abutting the road or sidewalk immediately. If snow or ice constitutes a danger to persons using the highway by being so located as to impose the threat of falling upon the highway.

City crews will be working to keep the streets and sidewalks safe during snow events and we ask that you help us by: