Discover Langley City is the Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) supporting and promoting tourism in Langley City. Since 2017, the Downtown Langley Business Association (DLBA) has held the contract to provide tourism marketing for Langley City under its umbrella. This is a partner membership model with no cost to be a member for tourism-related businesses within Langley City. The DMO’s goal is to inspire visitors and increase pride amongst Langley City locals.
Discover Langley City’s priority is to promote Langley City as a destination for residents and visitors by highlighting its unique tourism assets. With the support of cooperative marketing opportunities for partners, the DMO can leverage the power of partnerships and implement marketing initiatives to raise the profile of the area. Showcasing exceptional experiences in Langley City draws visitors to the breathtaking natural wonders, exciting attractions & events, over 1000 unique shops, and more than 200 mouthwatering eats. Ultimately, these experiences will increase overnight stays.
Tourism is an important economic driver for communities in British Columbia. According to the Government of BC, BC tourism in 2021 employed about 84,500 people, included 16,650 tourism businesses, and generated $13.5 billion in revenue. Tourism marketing can have a halo effect in a community and can influence people’s opinion on the destination as a potential place to live, start a family or a business, go to college, or retire.
Plan your next trip or staycation in Langley City by visiting their website or the Langley City Visitor Centre. Drop in to pick up maps, activity guides, and more to help make the most out of your stay. To stay in the loop on Langley City events and fun things to do, follow Discover Langley City on Instagram and Facebook.
Langley City Visitor Centre
101-20611 Fraser Highway
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm