November 4 , 2024 - Council Meeting Highlights


For City of Langley Regular Council meeting of November 4, 2024.
Please note these are not the official minutes, but rather, highlights of items approved by Council and do not reflect all items considered by Council at the meeting. Council Meeting agenda is available here: For more information, please contact or

Repeal of Various Council Policies

Council repealed five outdated policies:

CO-07 Press Council Agenda Packages;
CO-16 Notice to Public;
CO-20 Social Planning Committee Terms of Reference;
CO-36 Event & Parade Committees; and
CO-55 Youth Advisory Committee Terms of Reference.

2025 Fraser Valley Regional Library Board Appointment

Council appointed Councillor  Wallace to the Fraser Valley Regional Library Board for 2025 and appointed Councillor Mack as an alternate.

2025 Metro Vancouver Board Appointment

Council appointed Councillor Albrecht to the Metro Vancouver Board of Directors for 2025 and appointed Councillor Wallace as an alternate.

Council Advisory Body Appointments

Council approved the following Council Advisory Body Appointments:

Accessibility Advisory Committee
1. Councillor Delaney Mack (Chair)
2. Councillor Leith White (Co-Chair)
3. Director of Recreation, Culture & Community Services (Staff)

Advisory Design Panel
1. Councillor Paul Albrecht (Chair)
2. Councillor Mike Solyom (Co-Chair)
3. Director of Development Services (Staff)

Arts, Recreation, Culture and Heritage Committee
1. Councillor Rosemary Wallace (Chair)
2. Councillor Leith White (Co-Chair)
3. Director of Recreation, Culture and Community Services (Staff)

Crime Prevention Committee
1. Councillor Delaney Mack (Chair)
2. Councillor Paul Albrecht (Co-Chair)
3. Manager of Community Safety (Staff)

Environmental Sustainability Committee
1. Councillor Paul Albrecht (Chair)
2. Councillor Rosemary Wallace (Co-Chair)
3. Director of Engineering, Parks & Environment (Staff)

Gateway of Hope Community Council
1. Councillor Teri James (Council Representative)
2. Councillor Rosemary Wallace (Alternate)   

Healthier Community Partnerships
1. Councillor Leith White (Council Representative)
2. Councillor Delaney Mack, Alternate #1)
3. Councillor Rosemary Wallace (Alternate #2)
4. Manager of Social Planning (Staff Representative)

Joint School Board #35 / Municipal Liaison Committee
1. Councillor Rosemary Wallace (Chair)
2. Councillor Leith White (Co-Chair)
3. Director of Recreation, Culture & Community Services or designate (Staff)
4. Director of Engineering, Parks & Environment or designate (Staff)
5. Director of Development Services (Staff)

Langley Local Immigration Partnership
 1. Councillor Rosemary Wallace (Council Co-Representative)
 2. Councillor Leith White (Council Co-Representative)*
 3. Manager of Social Planning (Staff Representative)

Performing Arts and Cultural Centre Task Group
1. Councillor Rosemary Wallace (Chair)
2. Councillor Leith White (Co-Chair)
3. Director of Recreation, Culture and Community Services (Staff)

Socio-Cultural and Economic Development Advisory Committee
1. Councillor Paul Albrecht (Chair)
2. Councillor Teri James (Co-Chair)
3.  Chief Administrative Officer  (Staff)
4. Manager of Strategic Initiatives & Social Planning (Staff)
5. Economic Advisor (Staff)