Accessibility Advisory Committee

Meets on the 1st Thursday of the month at 4:30 pm, except August.

This committee is established in accordance with the Accessible British Columbia Act to assist the City in identifying, removing, and preventing barriers to individuals in or interacting with the City. 

The Committee’s role is to:

  1. Assist the City in identifying accessibility and inclusion barriers that City staff and community members experience, or may experience, in the course of interacting with the City in the following areas: 
  • Employment
  • Delivery of Service
  • The Built Environment
  • Information and Communications,
  • Transportation
  • Procurement
  1. Advise the City on removing and preventing barriers to individuals in or interacting with the City.
  2. Advise on developing an organizational accessibility plan to be completed by September 1, 2024.
  3. Develop a process or mechanism for receiving comments from the public on:
  • The City’s accessibility plan
  • Barriers to individuals in or interacting with the City
  1. Undertake a review of the accessibility plan at least once every 3 years and recommend to City Council any changes or updates required;

The Committee will undertake its work following the requirements of Part 3 of the Accessible British Columbia Act.

Accessibility Advisory Committee Terms of Reference.

Accessibility Advisory Committee meetings are held in person at Langley City Hall, 20399 Douglas Crescent, and members of the public are welcome to attend and observe the proceedings.

Agendas & Minutes